John G. Stockmyer authored two (fiction) series set in Kansas City. Thousands have been sold worldwide... but now, you can get these eBooks for FREE! Click on the book covers.
(Z-Detective Series)
(Under the Stairs Series)
Short Stories (Audio)
These short stories were recorded around 2004, which puts my dad's age close to 70 when they were narrated. They were meant to be listened to in order. I intentionally left in the "rustling of pages" every few minutes as captured during the recording process. To me, this makes it feel as if my dad is in the room with you. Also, No EQ or compression, or any other effects were added to the audio. Enjoy.
1. Man's Best Friend
2. Jesus Jumper
3. Dragons
4. A Fairy Tale
5. In a Glass Darkly
6. Weather or Not
7. The Man Called Great
8. Francis Farquar
An endowed college scholarship was created in 2024. To support it you can:
1. Purchase JGS books. Until the scholarship is fully funded, profits from book sales will be applied to the scholarship fund. The dollars you spend, will go to deserving students at Maple Woods Community College -- in Kansas City, Missouri.