I am pleased to make this limited-production book available. It chronicles (in words and images) the "Early Years" of Maple Woods Community College. Thanks to the Leheney Family and Christine Yannitelli for granting permission to distribute this book! The authors maintain all Copyrights, and the file is not to be altered, sold, etc. without permission. Thanks to Mark Stockmyer, for the .pdf conversion.
(.pdf format - 36 Mb)
JGS Online Syllabi (circa 2010)
These links will take you back in time, to the actual online syllabi used by students in John G. Stockmyer's Western Civilization I and II classes.
NOTE: These web pages are dated... and NOT mobile-friendly! Best viewed on a big screen.
Radio Spots/Interviews (Audio)
Maple Woods Radio Commercial - Ron Brink
Great Moments Interview (1970) - John G. Stockmyer
Time Machine Interview (1976) - John G. Stockmyer
(NOTE: poor sound quality)
MWCC (Still Images)
An endowed college scholarship was created in 2024. To support it you can:
1. Purchase JGS books. Until the scholarship is fully funded, profits from book sales will be applied to the scholarship fund. The dollars you spend, will go to deserving students at Maple Woods Community College -- in Kansas City, Missouri.